
” Truth is, maps seem to pump blood into several areas of the brain at once, the sheer visual pleasure of form and the added aesthetic of colour.” Mic Moroney

Maps fascinate me and through my personal connection with the familiar cartography of West Cork  I wanted to give them a visual voice. Utilizing the symbolic language of the maps and transmitting this through the use of materials, textures and patterns giving an identity that represents the landscapes experience and endurance to the elements.

West Cork Arts Centre Commission

This map of Baltimore, the islands and inland to Skibbereen.

I can work to commission and can work from any map and add in personal details. They are a unique present with a connection to place. I have made many for wedding presents, retirement and birthdays. Each map is unique.I can cut out the same map but the colours and textures are unique to each map. I can however work to a colour scheme.

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