Sea Spell Swimming Blog March 29th 2020

March 29th 2020 Beacon Beach @ 2pm

Low Tide 02:42 (0.94m)

High Tide 08:52 (3.26m)

Low Tide 15:01 (1.01m)

High Tide 21:08 (3.24m)

Waxing Crescent Moon

Strange times indeed.Ireland is on Lock down, and we are not allowed outside a 2km radius from our house, due to the Corona Virus. Lough Hyne is a bit further than 2k, however I am so very lucky to be able to walk to what I call the Beacon Beach. It is tucked away just off the road up to the Beacon.It is the opposite direction to the Cove Beach, so if the wind is wild on one beach it will be calmer on the other.

 It was still windy and the tide was lowish, I had to force myself to get in but it was so worth it.

Round the bouy, the only company on this swim. My two dogs are waiting for me on the shore. Big shout to all my fellow Lough Hyne Lapper's who are keeping my spirits up on the whats app and I can't wait to back swimming with you all soon.

Take care, stay safe.