March 23rd 2020 Lough Hyne Dip @ 10 am
High Tide 04:40 (3.37m)
Low Tide 10:54 (0.70m)
High Tide 17:00 (3.33m)
Low Tide 23:08 (0.65m)
New Moon
You can't beat a short dip in Lough Hyne in the morning. Teaching has changed due to the Corona Virus we are having to communicate with students through e-mail, whats app and phone calls. Not to mention home schooling. It has made me feel very anxious and tense, working on the computer. The water sure helps with setting me up for the day. I would much rather teach face to face and miss seeing the students work and all my colleuges.
Much appreciation to my daughters teachers for all they are doing teaching online, sending texts and letters of support.
I feel very, very lucky as lots of my friends have lost their jobs, taken huge pay cuts or working part time due to the Corona Virus. I have friends working for the H.S.E, N.H.S, supermarkets and chemists who are working night and day. We appreciate all the work you are doing for us all.
Still too cold for Minty.